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Character Analysis

Jin is a good representation of a Round Character he makes a friend. He lets Wei Chen use his transformer. He just tries to do good.

Round Character

is a term coined by E.M. Forster and is the direct opposite of a flat character. A round character is extremely realistic, behaving and speaking in a "real life" manner. The character is complex and increases in complexity throughout the story.

Po is a good representation of a Round Character because he is nice, he saves a lot of people, and defeats what is doing or being bad for his village. Another example of Po is he becomes more confident in himself because he learns how to fight. He like to learn

Flat Character

Jen is a good representation of a Flat Character because he is mean to jin. He is also mean to Wei Chen. He thin he rules everything.

Scar is a good representation of a Flat Character because he is mean. He does not like helping the people. He likes doing not good things.

Jin has the following characteristics of a dynamic character when he changes from Jin to Danny and them back to Jin.

Dynamic Character

A character that undergoes an important inner change, for example a personality or attitude. 

Simba is a good example of Dynamic character because he takes his dad's place, becomes the leader, likes helping people.

Static Character
a literary or dramatic character who undergoes little or no inner change; a character who does not grow or develop. Compare dynamic character. Examples from the Web for static character Expand.

Monkey King is a good representation of a Static Character because he never grows. He does shrink. He always stayed the same.

Mufasa is a good representation of a Static Character he was good to the people. He helps his family when he cans. He leaves his son a good future.


a character or a group of characters which stand in opposition to the protagonist or the main character. The term antagonist comes from Greek word “antagonistēs” that means opponent, competitor or rival.

Doctor Octopus is a good representation of a Antagonist because he treats the people bad. He destroys things. And no one likes him.

Darth Vader is a good representation of a Antagonist because he has two personalities. He can be mean at times. He can also be nice at times.

My Original Character

Character Name:

Character Synopsis:

Plot Overview:  

Character Analysis

Internal Conflict: 

Internal Conflict: 

are two-dimensional in that they are relatively uncomplicated and do not change throughout the course of a work. By contrast, round characters are complex and undergo development, sometimes sufficiently to surprise the reader.

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