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9th Grade Writing Samples

Analyzing Artwork-


Describing Works of Art

Sample 1

Dream, a realistic pastel drawing by Sarah K, is a Drawing in the middle top of the picture plane, the artist has a watery eye looking at whoever is looking at the picture. While in the back ground there is a sunny sunset. The eye and some of the water have been drawn realistically. The test of the water is blue. There are clouds in the sky. The water and the eye are drawn. The eye has long eye lashes. The eye is crying from a heart break or crying of joy.

Describing Works of Art

Sample 2

The Linoleum-cut self portrait was created by Unknown and is titled, Self-Portrait in red. The work consists of one person looking directly at the viewer. The figure has a red face with different designs on his face, he has kind of long yellow hair, and the background has a blue wall with red curvy lines. The Self-Portrait is a man. His eyes are orange.

Artist: Caitlyn L.

Title: Waiting, But Late

Media:  Watercolor Painting

Data: 2006

Artist: Unknown

Title: Self-Portrait in Red

Media:  4 color linoleum print

Data: unknown

The black and white digital media, was created by Paula Rosa, which is untitled, is a image that has a major meaning to it. In the background there is a Factory, I can tell because smoke is coming out ontop of the smoke stack. In the sky there is a lot of the smoke that came out from the smoke stacks. In the middle ground of the image there is a half destroyed building with a face on it. The building is falling, the walls and stairs are falling. According to the picture the lady'seyes are the buildings windows. On the right side of her face her arm is falling in pieces. She has cracks on her cheak and on her chin. In front of the destroyed building there is a big pile of dirt, and bricks. In the foreground there is a lot of dirt. Then i can see that there is water infront of the buiolding and sirt. Infront of the water there is a way more dirt and metal skinny poles.

Final Formal Art Analysis 

Title: Untitled

Artist: Paula Rosa

Media: Digital Media

Why should children not have homework?

             I think children should not have homework at all because they already had a lot of studies by going to school already. A lot of children stay up doing lots and lots of homework and do not get enough sleep, the worst part is that they have to wake up early. That is why many of the teachers get mad at there students when they are sleeping instead of paying attention in class. We start school at 8:15 and end at 3:19, that is a full day of school. Parents still come home exhausted and they still do not understand why their kids have trouble focusing at the end of a full day of learning.


             Children's brains are not fully developed yet so they need to do more exercise and have

more free time. Children don’t have enough time to relax, families need more time to spend together, homework can cause a rift between a parent and a child, children don’t really learn from the assignments. When the teacher  can lead to sleep deprivation which can cause stress and many more factors. Rather than giving you lots of homework after school to compensate, schools should look at how they can rework teaching systems in class to make the most of the time you have in school.  It can lead to health issues in the body and mind.


             When students do after school activities they cannot complete their homework because it requires too much time. It might be tough for teachers, but it may be even tougher for children, even when only in small amounts. After a full day of class work, children might find their learning enhanced if they could truly call it a day when they get home, rather than re-opening the books and doing more. There is no need for homework when there is school. I believe that they should teach us everything in school and not for us to do homework at home. Teachers do not see the stress in us kids.


             They just give it to us because they want us to get it but they do not see us stress out. The teachers do not see us try our hardest to do everything we have to do. It is hard for us kids because we have family and friends to hangout with but we can not because we have to do homework. Teachers also do not see that a lot of kids have after school activities. Then the kids stay up to do there homework and don’t gain enough sleep so they want to sleep during class but the teacher gets them in trouble.

             Even parents get mad at their kids when they do not want to do homework. Sometimes even kids are lying when it becomes to homework because they are tired of it. I know that because i use to do it. I think children should only get homework if they are not paying attention in class. In conclusion i do not think children should get homework.

Global warming is the going up of earth’s average surface temperature due to the effect of greenhouse gases. Global warming is the earth’s surface. Climate change is the greatest global threat to coral ecosystem. Scientific evidence now clearly indicates that the earth’s atmosphere and ocean are warming and that these changes are primarily due to greenhouse gases derived from human activities. As temperature rises, mass coral bleaching events and infectious disease outbreaks are becoming more frequently.


One cause is that carbon dioxide absorbed into the ocean from the atmosphere has already begun to reduce calcification rates in reef buildings and reef associated organisms by altering seawater chemistry through decreases in pH. This is called ocean acidification. Climate change will affect coral reef ecosystems, through sea level rise, changes to the frequency and intensity of tropical storms and altered ocean circulation patterns. When combined, all of these impacts dramatically alter ecosystem function, as well as the goods and services coral reef ecosystems provide to people to people around the globe. Increased greenhouse gases from human activities result in climate change and ocean acidification.


Climate change = Ocean changes. The world’s ocean is a massive sink that absorbs carbon dioxide. Although this has slowed global warming it is also changing ocean chemistry. Contributing factors that increase greenhouse gases in the atmosphere include burning fossil fuels for the heat and energy. Produce some industrial products, raising livestock, fertilized crops and deforestation.


Climate change leads to a warming ocean. It also leads to sea level rise. Changes in storm patterns lead to stronger and more frequently storms that can cause the destruction of coral reefs. It also changes in precipitation. In conclusion my thoughts about this article are that it was fun and interesting because i learned new things i did not know about.

English 1- Global warming

Hilario De La Rosa

2450 Grant Street

Concord, Ca 94520

March 20, 2017

Mr. Frank Mendez


Sony Corporation

25 Madison Avenue

New york, NY 10024

Dear Mr. Frank Mendez:

       I would like to get a new DvD because the DvD I got has scratches on it and it has problems playing the disc's or doesn't even read the disc's. Sometimes the DvD would not even turn on. It would get hot and start smelling like if something was burnt inside the DvD. When I shooked it a little I could hear pieces shaking too much. When I tried using the control for the DvD it would not work really good.

       The reason I bought the DvD from Sony was because supposably they have good electronics. I got dissapointed when I saw it, it did not work. I really like the design of the DvD and the remote control but I got a little dissapointed when they did not work. I think the Sony Corporation should check if the things they sell actually work. May i please get my DvD exchanged to another DvD from the same company. 


           Hilario De La Rosa

English 1- Business letter

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